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Mineola Library

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195 Marcellus Rd
Mineola, NY 11501 United States
(516) 746-8488 http://www.mineolalibrary.info/

October 2017

Intro to Opera for Children – Mineola, NY

October 14, 2017 @ 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Mineola Library, 195 Marcellus Rd
Mineola, NY 11501 United States
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Intro to Opera SPECIAL EVENTS FOR CHILDREN Mineola Library, Intro to Opera for Children” Mineola, NY  Saturday October 14, 2017 Time: 2PM Join us for a family friendly intro to opera course. Four arias from classic operas will be performed which involve participation from children. There will be sign-up sheet ahead of time so each child can be assigned a role. There will be small props and small costume pieces. Description: Children are needed to assist Anne Tormela, opera singer…

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