Intro to Opera
Syosset Library, “Intro to Opera for Children”, Syosset, NY Wednesday April 5, 2017 Time 4:30PM
Join us for a family friendly intro to opera course. Four arias from classic operas will be performed which involve participation from children. There will be sign-up sheet ahead of time so each child can be assigned a role. There will be small props and small costume pieces.
Children are needed to assist Anne Tormela, opera singer and artistic director of Manhattan Lyric Opera, to perform in 3 opera scenes. No singing or prior rehearsal required; props and costumes are provided. Children needed to play the part of fairies, pirates, mad scientists and more! Parents are welcome to participate and help out in scenes.
Public Note:
YOU MUST REGISTER USING THE CHILD’S LIBRARY CARD. Grades K-5 with families. Please enter the child’s grade in the Note to Instructor field. Caregivers must remain in the library while the children are attending library programs.